
All Tomorrow's Libraries

Exhibitions / culture / expography / audiovisuals

Exhibition that covers a selection of the world's most interesting libraries, from classics such as Alexandria or the British Library, contemporary ones such as Dokk1 Aarhus, Oodi Helsinki or the Hyundai Card Libraries of Seoul, and proposals that transcend the concept of library, such as the Aby Warburg Library, the Mobile Public Libraries of Colombia, or the Human Library, made up of human books.

The exhibition, in which we have designed museography and audiovisuals, has been organized by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, curated by Jorge Carrión and coordinated by Ainara Martín.

Each room offers an informative overview of these libraries, along with contemporary works by a selection of artists: Alicia Framis, Alicia Martín, ENORME Studio, Fehras Publishing Practices, Frederick Wiseman, Ignasi Aballí, Julien Prévieux, Karmelo Bermejo, Maider López, Miguel Ángel Blanco, Mihindou y Ortín, Milena Bonilla, Rice & Lipka, Roig & Mallo.

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